北卡罗兰纳大学化学系gerald j. meyer教授讲座通知-凯发k8下载安装

发布时间:2018-07-23 09:09:01发布者:赵越阅读次数:1381

应化工与化学学院杨玉林教授邀请,受我校国际合作部资助,北卡罗兰纳大学教堂山分校化学系gerald j. meyer教授将于2018725-27日进行学术讲座,欢迎全校感兴趣的师生参加



   题目:dye-sensitized water oxidation: the unc efrc for solar fuels


   地点:明德楼 c908


there exists a critical need to identify materials that can be utilized to convert sun light into a sustainable energy source. a molecular approach utilizes dyes to sensitize wide bandgap semiconductor nanocrystallites interconnected in mesoporous thin films to visible light. such dye-sensitized nanostructures provide electrical power generation and/or solar fuels through water splitting when utilized in photoelectrochemical cells. this presentation provides an overview with recent highlights of university of north carolina energy frontier research center (unc efrc) results directed toward water oxidation and carbon dioxide reduction. 


   题目:molecular excited states for solar energy conversion:  applications to hydrohalic acid splitting


   地点:明德楼 c908


photochemistry with solar photons that drives hydrohalic acid splitting into the halogen and hydrogen gas represents an important goal, equation 1:

2 hx 2 hv à h2  x2               x = cl, br, i          (1)

photochemistry initiated by molecular excited states provides the opportunity to characterize one-electron transfer halide chemistry that are not otherwise easily obtained. in this presentation, our recent studies of dye-sensitized halide sensing, release, and redox chemistry will be highlighted with emphasis on halide coordination and redox chemistry that has relevance that extends beyond solar energy conversion to sensing, biology, and medicine.


   题目:dye-sensitized energy conversion:  increased electronic coupling lowers the free energy change that accompanies electron transfer


   地点:明德楼 c908


  electron transfer theories predict that an increase in the quantum mechanical mixing (hda) of electron donor and acceptor wavefunctions at the instant of electron transfer drives equilibrium constants toward unity. kinetic and equilibrium studies of acceptor-bridge-donor (a-b-d) sensitizers anchored to tio2 thin films provide experimental validation of this prediction and new insights into the mechanisms for dye-sensitized energy conversion. 


gerald j. meyer,博士,北卡罗兰纳大学教堂山分校化学系教授,美国国家科学基金会支持的霍普金斯材料研究和工程中心的主要研究员,nsf支持的环境科学中心协作研究活动(craems)的主任,unc能源前沿研究中心的副主任。1989年博士毕业于威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校,于19917-201312月于约翰霍普金斯大学化学系任博士后助理、助理教授、副教授、教授及化学系主任。曾以第一作者或通讯作者的身份,在acs energy lett, nanolett. j. am. chem. soc.上发表论文数篇。在光诱导电子和能量转移过程、人工光合作用、基于过渡金属的生色团的光化学和光物理学以及材料科学等领域取得了突出成绩。
